I am thrilled to announce that Finish That Novel! has been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award–great thanks to Tilting Up for the nomination. In return, I would like to nominate the following blogs for the same award, should they choose to accept:
I highly recommend each of these awesome blogs (though it’s been a while since a few of them were updated, hopefully they’re not over!). If your blog was in the list and you would like to accept the Versatile Blogger Award, here’s what you should do:
Show the award on your blog.
Thank the person who nominated you.
Share seven facts about yourself.
Nominate 15 blogs (or as close as you can. . .)
Link your nominees’ blogs and let them know!
Now for seven facts about myself:
1. I wrote my first book when I was twelve. It was called, alternately, The River Master, The Grand Adventure, The Twunes and The Wolymen and The Search for The Land Unknown. The book was about 70 single-spaced typed pages in all and was first drafted by hand before I typed it.
2. I changed my major in the spring of my Junior year in college from Literature to Literature and Writing. I’ve never looked back!
3. I’ve played the violin for almost 11 years now. My talent is debatable, but I have a lot of fun with it!
4. I was born in Seattle, but have also lived in Quebec, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Michigan, Southern California, Florida, Tennessee, Wisconsin, Minnesota and now Maine.
5. I used to live about an hour away from Neil Gaiman, but I never got to meet him. Now I live only a few minutes away from Stephen King, but I’m guessing I’ll never meet him either.
6. I once got a nasty case of hypothermia . . . in a heated building with a blanket. Yeah, I’m really cold naturally.
7. I’m a total lefty. As in, I really can’t do much at all with my right hand. But I can’t stand left-handed gags like handshakes or left-handed computer mice. Also I have a very poor sense of left and right.
All the best, and congrats to the nominees! I’m sorry if you don’t like the idea of a chain mail award–you can disregard it if you don’t want to do it. But to me it’s a fun pat on the back from writer to writer!