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Writer's pictureAmanda Clemmer

BookTrack Revisited: Updated Review

In my earlier review of BookTrack, a free online program that allows writers to put soundtracks together for their books, I allowed for some mixed feelings. While I love the idea and was enthusiastic towards the possibilities, I was met with frustration and disappointment in many areas. But I wasn’t done playing around with it.

As it turns out, my suspicion that it might be because I use a Mac was partly correct–more specifically, it was the web browser Safari. I recently tried BookTrack again on Google Chrome to see if it was any better.

It was! I don’t know how many browsers BookTrack works with, but on Google Chrome I was able to successfully read short stories and add a soundtrack to my own AutomatonWhile I don’t expect any of my stories to be available on BookTrack any time soon, I can now safely recommend it to anyone looking for a fun twist to their reading or writing experience. It’s immersive, fun, and a perfect fit for the 21st century!



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