Writer support networks pop up everywhere in the month of November. Everyone joins NaNoWriMo, and more often than not, writing that 50,000-word book in a month becomes a group effort and a group triumph. The camaraderie of NaNoWriMo is one of its highest peaks, but as soon as the month ends, many writers find themselves adrift.

1. Social Media Groups
Every social media platform has its own writing community (or communities), and these places are always buzzing with activity. You can find everything from discussion to writing prompts to editing swaps and post-publishing opportunities that fit your style and your genre. If you run into someone you really hit it off with, consider becoming friends or teaming up for a cross-promotion.
2. Follow Other Writers
If you want to meet authors, the fastest and easiest way is to follow them. Friend, follow back, and connect with anyone else who writes similar stories. Chances are, you’ll have a lot in common and can easily share some quick discussions and laughs while continuing your work. This is an easy and almost effortless way to grow your following and your network.
3. Support Other Writers
It’s fun to be a fan. If you subscribe to a few newsletters and check out some blogs written by independent authors, you can find a number of other writers excited to open up to you about their process and upcoming events. These events (blog tours, signings, etc.) can be a great way to get your foot in the door and make connections that will help you in the future.
4. Run A Group Promotion
If you intend to move forward with your book, a group promotion is one of the most effective ways you can get the word of your publication out to more people. Ask your writing buddies if anyone would be willing to do a promotion with you, and see how many people you can get to join. On the agreed-on date, promote your books to your fans and let people discover you through your network.
5. Perform A Service
Are you good at editing or critiquing other books? Do you have usable cover design skills or a huge network or blog where you can promote books? Authors are always looking for services that can help them, and anything you have to offer will be sure to find you a group of friends and followers and make you popular in many writing circles. Just make sure you’re sticking to respective group rules and not spamming in places that don’t allow self-promotions!
6. Look For New Events
NaNoWriMo is not the only event on the calendar for writers. Virtual conferences, meetups, and classes open up year-round, and many are free to attend. You can choose to refine a specific skill, take on a new writing challenge, and network with more writers while you develop your own style. These events are both fun and informational, so when you hear about one, check it out!
7. Think Local
For centuries, writers have met in person to review their writing and talk over ideas. While the Internet brings with it many new and exciting methods for collaboration, in-person meetups can still be one of the most effective things you can do. Look around and see if there’s a writing group in your area, and if there isn’t, start one on your own. You might be surprised how many others in your community are interested in showing up.
How do you like to collaborate when NaNoWriMo is done? As always, please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below or click the blue button to join my Facebook group for self-publishing fiction writers for ongoing discussion.